Wednesday, May 23, 2012


This map will change more year after year, and there is no sight of ending soon
GUESS WHAT PEOPLE!!!  Here we go with more rumors of conference realignment.  You can thank the SEC for the trickle effect here.  SEC goes and gets Texas A&M and Mizzou.  The BIG 12 reacts by going after TCU and WVU.  The ACC wants to compete in the south with the SEC so they bring in Syracuse and Pitt.  The BIG EAST getting after the C-USA and nabbing Houston, UCF, SMU and Memphis.  Then BIG EAST, the Mtn West. AND C-USA also empty the cabinet with the WAC as the three take (excuse me, let me catch a breath here...) SDSU, Hawai'i, SJSU, Nevada, BSU, Louisiana Tech, Utah State, AND UTSA.  The conferences are constantly changing!  We all know that!  But now there is murmurs of Florida St., Miami and Clemson all would like to join what was seen as a weak conference and left for dead just over a year ago.

The schools are complaining that given what their current TV deals in the ACC are adequate compared to the new TV contracts that were completed with the PAC-12 and BIG 12 along with the money the SEC makes alone.  We just saw the BIG 12 and SEC come together to create another possible "post new years" bowl game to combat the Rose Bowl.  As the BIG 12 shows they are rising from the ashes and possibly establishing themselves again as a dominant conference again, the lack of exposure in the south with the ACC and a culture that is just driven by football, these three schools are looking at options.  Their names do draw attention, but remember in the early part of the college football season how big of a deal the OU v. FSU game was.  We saw how weak the Seminoles really were, but the revenue the school made of the game and the exposure they got surely made up for the "piss poor" performance that was put on.

Yes they did prove they deserved it, but think about it, how can you not even win your division and play for a title!

Down to the point, all of this movement is for conferences to try and keep their numbers up so that the major conferences can be considered "AQ's" for the BCS, or at the least hope to keep it.  It's interesting because we see the BIG EAST lose their teams and drop down to under 10 teams for the 2012 season and had to sweat it out with the BCS commission of losing their status quote with the BCS.  All this expansion is to try and stay relevant in the eyes of the BCS.

Now have heard that the BCS is strongly considering going to a 4 team playoff format, but can't decide oh how the teams should be determined and which bowls would participate.  I knew for the longest time that a road block in all of this would the Rose Bowl and trying to keep tradition of the name of the game.  The Rose Bowl committee did cave in and said they would be willing to work with the BCS in allowing the Rose Bowl be apart of the format.  I don't think that the BCS wants to lose the attraction that the Rose Bowl can bring, this is why the new bowl game between the BIG 12 and the SEC was created.  The BIG 12 is more so affected by this than the SEC, they don't have to worry about exposure, but being paired with the SEC boosts the BIG 12 and puts it right back up there as one of the elite conferences.  In doing so, it puts the Rose Bowl in a tight spot, putting them down on their knees and doing what the BCS asks of them.  The current contract with the BCS ends at the end of the 2014 college football season.

We do have a few years to figure out the format.  But how long has the public and some of these major schools been barking at the executives of the BCS about reformatting the process in which we can decide how a team can make a BCS game.  So if the Rose Bowl does play ball with the BCS, whats going to happen with this new bowl game?  This game was created with every intention of being apart of the BCS or at the least threaten the Rose Bowl.  If the Rose Bowl cooperates, this leaves two big games pairing the BIG 12 and the SEC (we got the Cotton Bowl, don't forget).  It wouldn't be a big deal to have some powerhouses play each other again, but just having the "BCS" label next to the name will just drive up money and dollar bill signs in the eyes of school presidents and A.D.'s all across America.  

The driving forces in the conversations in reformatting the BCS can't decide how the 1-2-3-4 format should look, some schools think that it should be the top four that's it, some think that there shouldn't more that one school from a major conference being able to play in the tourney, you shouldn't be able to not win your conference and have a shot at the title (I'M TAKING A SHOT AT YOU ALABAMA!), some think there should be a "wildcard", which in my mind should allow teams like Boise State and TCU from the last several years be allowed to have a shot at the game.  I have to agree with the idea for the last theory in which it does allow just about everyone a shot at the game.  Obviously we still have things to work out, but with conference realignment occurring ever summer, it's hard to put together the entire "Bible" if you will on what the new BCS format should look like.  Having said that, we have heard we are moving closer towards getting a playoff, but I think it it farther away then we are led on to believe.

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